Intensive Care (Ninh Thuan)
Why was it initiated?
What are its aims?
To provide validation, discuss general management options and assist in formulation of appropriate strategies for the management of people with CoVid infections admitted to intensive care Ninh Thuan General Hospital.
To open up pathways to discuss management of other intensive care related problems.
When did it start?
Sessions commenced in September 2021.
Who has been involved?
NTGH - Dr Thế and other doctors from the intensive care unit NTGH
MESCH - Dr Michael Dobbie (Anaesthetist), Au Vu (Interpreter)and Cuong Vu (Interpreter)
Dr Ed Martinez (Intensivist John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, Australia)
What’s happened?
There were 3 sessions using the Zoom platform until the number of cases of CoVid19 in Ninh Thuan province escalated to a point where clinical staff were overwhelmed by the workload.
The moratorium by Department of Health on acquiring various consumables meant that, even in intensive care, doctors have no access to respiratory and metabolic status monitoring. In view of that, Dr Thế put a temporary halt to the Zoom sessions with Dr Ed Martinez. When things open up again, he will re-establish contact.