Current projects

Current Projects



Children's Anaesthesia & Surgery (Ninh Thuan)

Reducing inequities in basic surgical and anaesthetic access in Ninh Thuan province

Aware of MESCH’s collaborations with Lam Dong Hospital, Dr Phien (director of Ninh Thuan District General Hospital - NTDGH) spoke with us in 2016 whilst we were in Da Lat.  We spoke about how basic surgery and anaesthesia reduces death and disability from surgical diseases and birth defects; reduces economic and social disparity; and prevents adverse health outcomes arising from the burden of injuries and non-communicable diseases.  We committed to reducing the discrepancy in access for those in poor or rural areas and in the most vulnerable - infants and small children. The specific aim of this project was to assist in the upskilling of surgeons and anaesthetists.

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Saonleo clothing manufacturing and training facility (North Pentecost, Vanuatu)

Providing employment and training for women and girls in North Pentecost  

Inspired by the unfortunate demise of Raga, Narelle and Debra Gigina (the first manager of Raga) began exploring alternate options...
By keeping school uniform manufacturing on Pentecost island and training local young people in both manufacturing and in managing a small business, they are building a sustainable business.
Training includes sewing, maintenance and repair of machines, sales, marketing, computing, design....
Creating employment in North Pentecost through new initiatives, making clothing more affordable and encouraging people with a wide range of interests to be involved in a private, community-based business.... All these things improve community well-being, keep families together and empower women. 



Improving competency for both clinicians and sonographers in the tasks they currently do or would like to do using ultrasound.

The clinicians in Ninh Thuan have so little confidence in general radiology and sonography reports that they frequently do CT scans - even in small babies. We always considered this a “bridge too far”. However, whilst acting as a translator during the 2022 trip to Ninh Thuan, Au became convinced he could help—wearing his other hat as an experienced sonographer in Australia. In addition, ultrasound has become integral to the skill-set of many clinicians - providing safer access for vascular access, fluid collections and biopsy.

In November 2024, and entirely on his own, Au managed 30 students over 2 weeks. 

Given the excellent feedback, Dr Thạch has ordered 3 new mobile machines so staff can develop clinical experience and Au is keen to go again in 2025 with an additional  sonographer.
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